Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Anything is Possible...YAY BOSTON 131-92.
Watching the NBA Finals is like counting down to 12 on New Years Eve. Only more climactic in my opinion. You don't want to blink and risk the chance of missing a good play, you want to see the task to completion regardless of the current state or what else is going on around you.
I just witnessed a serious ass whooping, Boston just stripped Kobe and the Lakers of ALL bragging rights, well I mean they haven't won a championship since 2002, BUT KOBE just won't be getting another ring this year. History repeats itself so maybe they'll lay in the cut 22 years and get another championship in 2022!! You feel me??
When someone says Boston, what comes to mind first is Larry Bird, tighty whities, 8 titles and Rob Parrish, now I'll be saying Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen, Larry Bird, Rob Parrish and annoying Pierce (can't hate though, he stacked up some good points off free throws, HE IS THE MVP).
I can't say I'm a huge basketball fanatic these days that knows every player's average and can sit and watch every game...I left that back in 1997, coincidentally that was when I decided I didn't want to play on the school basketball team any longer so I can gallavant after school. 1997 Bulls won the Championship against Mr. Malone and Utah Jazz, I have to say it was probably one of the best moments I recall ever in my history of following ball...Let me refresh your memories. Series was at 2-2, Game 5 begins, Utah's in the lead, Bulls down by 3, Jordan who was apparently ill the last 2 games of the finals...with like 25 seconds left in the final quarter, Jordan hits a 3 pointer AND PICKS UP A FOUL-TO SHOOT 2!!! 90-88 Bulls win Damn! End result: 5, 5, 5...5 NBA Championship, Jordan's 23 makes 2+3=5, Jordan wins the game for the Bulls with a 5 point play. Damn. Those were the days when I loved basketball when I had no job, no responsibilities but to follow basketball, I still love basketball, but unfortunately I have also discovered other loves during my increase in age. Sheer determination...regardless of how sick he was, it was evident that he had one intention and that was to persevere and win the game to take home the title when leaving Utah. Now, tonight's game was not as nail biting, however Celtics played solid defense and I just knew they were gonna take it home by the end of the 1st quarter! I'm glad that Boston won. KG said it best anything is possible. A team that hasn't won a campionship since 1986,n and back then they were known as THE TEAM due to their 8 straight titles in the 60's and just racking up a total of 16 championships NOW 17 (brap brap!).
What I am getting at is this...Anything can happen if you put your mind to it, stay hungry don't rest, until your satisfied and everyone can see your gains. When I watch basketball, especially in the finals, I get liberated, I'm elated when I see the team that I'm cheering on win. Determination is re-defined and PASSION becomes so lucid, the most uninspired individual can see the result of hard work. I saw Kevin Garnett shed tears of joy to the point he could not even say anything coherent, Doc Rivers held his back and Paul Pierce smiled ear to ear and did his happy dance. I was overwhelmed with happiness, their joy was now contagious and I was beginning to feel as if, I can do anything as long as I have determination and committment by my side (or maybe just the thought of Army brat Ray Allen LOL.) It's not that I didn't know this before, but there's something about a man exuberating such joy and love for one's passion to the point of tears, that becomes a positive reinforcement for a female like myself. Yes, money can always be an incentive (I wouldn't mind making 20 mill Garnett), but they're getting paid to do what they love and I for myself would not want it any other way either. I guess I'll see how long this dose of positivity will hold up for me to keep pressing on. When I reach my goal in life, I will let you all know and I expect to have a keg full of Gatorade waiting for me.
Trying to stay hungry...
Shout outs:
-Paul Piece congratulations to him on obtaining MVP.
-Ray Allen for lacing the court with all those 3 tied a record tonight.
-Garnett the spotlight was on you for rebounds and 26 Points with your boy Ray Allen.
-Rondo 6 steals...ooh wee...What? You stole from Kobe?...1 steal short of tying a record.
-DoC Rivers...your first Championship.
A.L.S.O- Kobe I saw you turning up your lip...DOn't hate, congratulate...No Gatorade for's all on the floor.
B.U.T-Gasol now that the games over...GET A SHAVE, CUT YOUR HAIR OR PULL IT look greasy.
N.O.T.E-Odom take it easy, don't get so mad..either you get fouled and miss the basket or get blocked and miss the basket...Boston's not having it...they're on a mission.
*Boston what was for dinner?...LAKERS "STRIPloin" with some bubbly on the side.
Here's the video pick, dedicated to Boston...(I pick some reaaal cheesy stuff I know.) We all know I was probably gonna pick this...
I just witnessed a serious ass whooping, Boston just stripped Kobe and the Lakers of ALL bragging rights, well I mean they haven't won a championship since 2002, BUT KOBE just won't be getting another ring this year. History repeats itself so maybe they'll lay in the cut 22 years and get another championship in 2022!! You feel me??
When someone says Boston, what comes to mind first is Larry Bird, tighty whities, 8 titles and Rob Parrish, now I'll be saying Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen, Larry Bird, Rob Parrish and annoying Pierce (can't hate though, he stacked up some good points off free throws, HE IS THE MVP).
I can't say I'm a huge basketball fanatic these days that knows every player's average and can sit and watch every game...I left that back in 1997, coincidentally that was when I decided I didn't want to play on the school basketball team any longer so I can gallavant after school. 1997 Bulls won the Championship against Mr. Malone and Utah Jazz, I have to say it was probably one of the best moments I recall ever in my history of following ball...Let me refresh your memories. Series was at 2-2, Game 5 begins, Utah's in the lead, Bulls down by 3, Jordan who was apparently ill the last 2 games of the finals...with like 25 seconds left in the final quarter, Jordan hits a 3 pointer AND PICKS UP A FOUL-TO SHOOT 2!!! 90-88 Bulls win Damn! End result: 5, 5, 5...5 NBA Championship, Jordan's 23 makes 2+3=5, Jordan wins the game for the Bulls with a 5 point play. Damn. Those were the days when I loved basketball when I had no job, no responsibilities but to follow basketball, I still love basketball, but unfortunately I have also discovered other loves during my increase in age. Sheer determination...regardless of how sick he was, it was evident that he had one intention and that was to persevere and win the game to take home the title when leaving Utah. Now, tonight's game was not as nail biting, however Celtics played solid defense and I just knew they were gonna take it home by the end of the 1st quarter! I'm glad that Boston won. KG said it best anything is possible. A team that hasn't won a campionship since 1986,n and back then they were known as THE TEAM due to their 8 straight titles in the 60's and just racking up a total of 16 championships NOW 17 (brap brap!).
What I am getting at is this...Anything can happen if you put your mind to it, stay hungry don't rest, until your satisfied and everyone can see your gains. When I watch basketball, especially in the finals, I get liberated, I'm elated when I see the team that I'm cheering on win. Determination is re-defined and PASSION becomes so lucid, the most uninspired individual can see the result of hard work. I saw Kevin Garnett shed tears of joy to the point he could not even say anything coherent, Doc Rivers held his back and Paul Pierce smiled ear to ear and did his happy dance. I was overwhelmed with happiness, their joy was now contagious and I was beginning to feel as if, I can do anything as long as I have determination and committment by my side (or maybe just the thought of Army brat Ray Allen LOL.) It's not that I didn't know this before, but there's something about a man exuberating such joy and love for one's passion to the point of tears, that becomes a positive reinforcement for a female like myself. Yes, money can always be an incentive (I wouldn't mind making 20 mill Garnett), but they're getting paid to do what they love and I for myself would not want it any other way either. I guess I'll see how long this dose of positivity will hold up for me to keep pressing on. When I reach my goal in life, I will let you all know and I expect to have a keg full of Gatorade waiting for me.
Trying to stay hungry...
Shout outs:
-Paul Piece congratulations to him on obtaining MVP.
-Ray Allen for lacing the court with all those 3 tied a record tonight.
-Garnett the spotlight was on you for rebounds and 26 Points with your boy Ray Allen.
-Rondo 6 steals...ooh wee...What? You stole from Kobe?...1 steal short of tying a record.
-DoC Rivers...your first Championship.
A.L.S.O- Kobe I saw you turning up your lip...DOn't hate, congratulate...No Gatorade for's all on the floor.
B.U.T-Gasol now that the games over...GET A SHAVE, CUT YOUR HAIR OR PULL IT look greasy.
N.O.T.E-Odom take it easy, don't get so mad..either you get fouled and miss the basket or get blocked and miss the basket...Boston's not having it...they're on a mission.
*Boston what was for dinner?...LAKERS "STRIPloin" with some bubbly on the side.
Here's the video pick, dedicated to Boston...(I pick some reaaal cheesy stuff I know.) We all know I was probably gonna pick this...
Monday, June 16, 2008
HAS Canada Gone mad...and Boston!
**DISCLAIMER...The following views are those of StAR and it is not intended to make anyone feel below par, especially MuchMusic, or looked upon as me bashing, but more of an incentive to step your game up...remember though...who's StAR her opinions might just not matter.** my homegirl Sharheezy said is worst than, good ol' B.E.T when it comes to reruns...Didn't the MMVA'S finish at 10:59? Replayed by 11:02pm. There is nothing exciting about the MMVA's, everything you THINK will be interesting turns into a disappointment. I would like to address the current weather situation first...What the heck does the crowd smell like?...After waiting outside for a good spot, since 10AM this morning. Last time I checked it rained a few times today, not kosher AT ALL, nor does the thought of anyone standing beside me not smelling righteous sit with me. I like the outdoor concept of the MMVA's but it's getting a little played. The MMVA's are mediocre and they need to step their game up. Point form here were go...
-Why interview all the presenters? With the crowd going wild, you can't hear them anyway so don't bother?
-OMG?!?! BELLY THE GODFATHER OF CANADIAN HIP HOP?....GIVE ME A BREAK...Then I'm the next Quincy Jones! whack...Whack...WHACK!!! Forgot his name and it doesn't matter after his intro for Belly, but that VJ needed to get reprimanded for saying such a statement...that's a direct diss to all the other Canadian Hip Hop Movers and Shakers.
-Akon were you lipsynching?...your HOOK!?!? I love KARDI, but cut back on the hypeman movements, give it to Solitaire in the back. I couldn't enjoy the song.
-Based on the choreographed nonsense of the dancers and artists...How much notice was given to them on their MMVA performance?
-Hedley looks similar to Ben Stiller in "The Heartbreak Kid". The scene where he tried to get back in the U.S. after losing his stuff in Mexico. LMAO. Maybe he did look proper but got soaked from the rain trying to walk the red carpet. Hmmmm?
-Back to the choreography...Girlicious! I swore I saw these moves for a whole season on your show, why were you still not on point?!?
-Rihanna..."Ahhh here comes the Whack....Word up, don't sing no crap you bore me, wanna grab my feelin' lazy? yeah hold it for me!" (Thanks for lending me your line Craig Mack.) Booooring...Just take a bow off the stage.
-Yeah we get it....CANADIAN GIRLS ARE THE BEST!!
-DID the videographers not get all access passes??...I SEE, there's a lot of people there, but I CAN'T SEE THE PERFORMERS!!!
-New Kids...or should I say...OLD KIDS ON THE (QUEEN & JOHN) BLOCK!! I got excited, then cried! I don't know what was worst...THE DISSIPATED dance moves or Joey's attempt at singing..."Please don't go girl" Your summertime single?? For an album dropping in September? I really, really hope Chris Brown does them all some justice, as I hear he is doing some song writing for them. Nostalgia saved me from writing those guys off completely....NKOTB did not have the RIGHT STUFF! Donnie...why you gotta say...she was looking for a dude from SCARBOROUGH?
ALSO...DO...HOLLA A TIMBALAND (Everyone else seems to!!) I love you Donnie, but I love MARK better. You don't see him trying to do a come back for Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch......or will he???
Best thing about the MMVA's were the clear umbrellas...I want one...OH the jokes too.
-KOBE!!! AHHHH, I could slap you for that steal from Pierce! I was hoping you'd trip and the ball roll out of bounds. Good hustle tho--on your part Kobe.
-16 Points...JUST off comment Pierce...hmmm good game...*yawning....* sleep time.
-HOUSE...WE COULDA USED YOUR 3 POINTER MAYBE 45 SECONDS EARLIER BUDDY, we coulda had a chance at overtime or maybe a 1 point win!
Anyway....based on the MMVAs, my quote...MEDIOCRE PLANNING AND EXECUTION BRING MEDIOCRE RESULTS!! Maybe next year MMVAs **shaking head**
A video...some Nostalgia fo yo ass...This is how Please Don't GO girl should have sounded my homegirl Sharheezy said is worst than, good ol' B.E.T when it comes to reruns...Didn't the MMVA'S finish at 10:59? Replayed by 11:02pm. There is nothing exciting about the MMVA's, everything you THINK will be interesting turns into a disappointment. I would like to address the current weather situation first...What the heck does the crowd smell like?...After waiting outside for a good spot, since 10AM this morning. Last time I checked it rained a few times today, not kosher AT ALL, nor does the thought of anyone standing beside me not smelling righteous sit with me. I like the outdoor concept of the MMVA's but it's getting a little played. The MMVA's are mediocre and they need to step their game up. Point form here were go...
-Why interview all the presenters? With the crowd going wild, you can't hear them anyway so don't bother?
-OMG?!?! BELLY THE GODFATHER OF CANADIAN HIP HOP?....GIVE ME A BREAK...Then I'm the next Quincy Jones! whack...Whack...WHACK!!! Forgot his name and it doesn't matter after his intro for Belly, but that VJ needed to get reprimanded for saying such a statement...that's a direct diss to all the other Canadian Hip Hop Movers and Shakers.
-Akon were you lipsynching?...your HOOK!?!? I love KARDI, but cut back on the hypeman movements, give it to Solitaire in the back. I couldn't enjoy the song.
-Based on the choreographed nonsense of the dancers and artists...How much notice was given to them on their MMVA performance?
-Hedley looks similar to Ben Stiller in "The Heartbreak Kid". The scene where he tried to get back in the U.S. after losing his stuff in Mexico. LMAO. Maybe he did look proper but got soaked from the rain trying to walk the red carpet. Hmmmm?
-Back to the choreography...Girlicious! I swore I saw these moves for a whole season on your show, why were you still not on point?!?
-Rihanna..."Ahhh here comes the Whack....Word up, don't sing no crap you bore me, wanna grab my feelin' lazy? yeah hold it for me!" (Thanks for lending me your line Craig Mack.) Booooring...Just take a bow off the stage.
-Yeah we get it....CANADIAN GIRLS ARE THE BEST!!
-DID the videographers not get all access passes??...I SEE, there's a lot of people there, but I CAN'T SEE THE PERFORMERS!!!
-New Kids...or should I say...OLD KIDS ON THE (QUEEN & JOHN) BLOCK!! I got excited, then cried! I don't know what was worst...THE DISSIPATED dance moves or Joey's attempt at singing..."Please don't go girl" Your summertime single?? For an album dropping in September? I really, really hope Chris Brown does them all some justice, as I hear he is doing some song writing for them. Nostalgia saved me from writing those guys off completely....NKOTB did not have the RIGHT STUFF! Donnie...why you gotta say...she was looking for a dude from SCARBOROUGH?
ALSO...DO...HOLLA A TIMBALAND (Everyone else seems to!!) I love you Donnie, but I love MARK better. You don't see him trying to do a come back for Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch......or will he???
Best thing about the MMVA's were the clear umbrellas...I want one...OH the jokes too.
-KOBE!!! AHHHH, I could slap you for that steal from Pierce! I was hoping you'd trip and the ball roll out of bounds. Good hustle tho--on your part Kobe.
-16 Points...JUST off comment Pierce...hmmm good game...*yawning....* sleep time.
-HOUSE...WE COULDA USED YOUR 3 POINTER MAYBE 45 SECONDS EARLIER BUDDY, we coulda had a chance at overtime or maybe a 1 point win!
Anyway....based on the MMVAs, my quote...MEDIOCRE PLANNING AND EXECUTION BRING MEDIOCRE RESULTS!! Maybe next year MMVAs **shaking head**
A video...some Nostalgia fo yo ass...This is how Please Don't GO girl should have sounded
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Stay HUNGRY but make BUSINESS ur daily vitamin.
Another nice motivating statement from Jom Rohn's Ezines...this one came at like 12pm though. LOL. It said....Stay hungry, and make no your daily vitamin...I switched it up to fit the topic.
If I wasn't so tired, I would've wrote this last night.
I was listening to the real freqs like I do weekly, def-E-NITE-Ly Monday Nightly with my girl Tiff, and all I have to say is this...The show was straight heatery like Arcee would say...peep the blog... Watch out for the podcast later on this week, normally around Thursday. Famous (It's the KIIIIIIID!) was in the building last night, amongst the jokes and the freestyling he put down, definitely one of my favourite Episodes last night. Peep this...WWW.THEKIDFAMOUS.COM...Here's an example of passion tied with an effective business strategy. The way I see it, the minute you decide to make a profit off your passion, whether it be rapping, djing, it becomes a business and after tonight's show and the Stylus DJ events that took place last weekend-the conference in particular...Toronto aritst, yall need to step your game up and keep stepping it up. Learn the business side of this industry and TAKE constructive criticism, don't take it as anyone trying to knock you, shit...this is your city and my city, no need to put that whack stuff out and make us ALL look bad. Ya feel me? A little late but....damn...better late than never. I was helping out at the Stylus Spinfest that happened back on May 30th to June 2nd. During the conference..."It's starts with the dj" there were a few things that were mentioned, the most important thing that I want to mention that was the most effective part of the conference was this. You spend time in the studio, you pop out mixtapes, you expect deejays to play it because it's "homegrown" BUT just because it's "homegrown" are we to overlook the mediocrity of the material I think not! A lot of artists trying to take this music thing to the next level need to understand that there's more to it than just sitting in your basement studio or just a studio, trynna make shit that you think people will bump forget about the whoooolle professionalism involved, the business of aspect of marketing and branding yourself and your music. Be consistent and current....I'm waiting on certain things to drop...kinda like the west coast BEEN waiting on Dr. Dre's Detox. I do understand that it's hard, especially in Toronto. The below scenario is an example of why some people trying to get into this music industry think it's hard or even fail.
So I'm trying to setup for the next set of panelists coming out at the Stylus Dj conference the Saturday a guy taps me on the shoulder and says this..."Yo, I see your part of this...(duh my shirt says event staff...) hold on to this and let me know what's good...I want you to check this out..." He proceeds to handing me a about I holla back at that wooden table and leave it there...I was taken aback by his approach so I didn't even look at what was given to me, sorry to say I left it on the table backstage, reason: lack of professionalism, if you don't take pride in how you present yourself, what makes me think your music is gonna be any good/better? I didn't know if he was the producer or the mc, or just maybe a guy doing some promoting for his homeboy. This is a topic that can go on and on, but I rather not, it gets too complex, everyone has their own opinion...blah, blah, smah smah....but that's my 2 cents to let you know, I'm not an industry cat trying to sell my records, I'm a girl on the outside looking in. Like the title says..Stay HUNGRY but take some BUSINESS vitamins increase your knowledge in order to stay focus. Business and marketing plans should still exist for those who "rap". Do your research, A PROFESSIONAL MANNER, SO PEOPLE CAN TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY. This doesn't only go for artists though, this goes for anyone on a serious grind to make something of themselves. Peace!
These are the homegrown tracks that stick out to me randomly within the last year or 2. This is my list, so critics keep your comments to yourself. I personally think they all have a different sound that works for them.
1.) Loudmouths-I'm the boss (You all know about this on my ringtone and in the ride.)
2.) Sox-Hope (No comment, it hits me hard.)
3.) Tona-Dial Tone, Don't Holla
4.) Rochester-Pull Up, Priceless, I'm ready
5.) Brassmunk Album-Repo! Music & Magic
6.) BBL Album--Now that summers around the corner....I'm creeping slow again.
7.) Kardinal Offishall-E.G.G.
8.) Point Blank-Born and Raised in the Ghetto, God Only knows
9.) Mathematik-Righteous
10.) Mayhem Morearty-Smoke Clears
Of addition to above...
Sox- 29-9-9
Famous-Big Mon ting, 4th Biggest city, *Kid trynna make it...(heard it for the first time on freq's last night....damn...shouts out to Mayhem and Blake, I'm loving this track.)
Jd Era-Paper Chase
Luu Breeze-Break em off
**Disclaimer....Don't hate me if a song didn't make the cut!! It's late night, I just wrote what came to mind, I'll probably be cussing tomorrow when I realize I left something off. Oh well...don't sue me....please?
A.L.S.O-For u Boots Johnson...Disclaimer (2) Please forgive me for any spelling or grammatical errors, that might have caused you to stutter and re-read a line more than once!!!**
Quote of the day...It should be nothing to you if you love it and do it with passion. -Famous said something to affect last night.
If you didn't already know....
Enjoy the Videos....
Big Mon Ting!
Ayah ft. Tona-Pusha Man
If I wasn't so tired, I would've wrote this last night.
I was listening to the real freqs like I do weekly, def-E-NITE-Ly Monday Nightly with my girl Tiff, and all I have to say is this...The show was straight heatery like Arcee would say...peep the blog... Watch out for the podcast later on this week, normally around Thursday. Famous (It's the KIIIIIIID!) was in the building last night, amongst the jokes and the freestyling he put down, definitely one of my favourite Episodes last night. Peep this...WWW.THEKIDFAMOUS.COM...Here's an example of passion tied with an effective business strategy. The way I see it, the minute you decide to make a profit off your passion, whether it be rapping, djing, it becomes a business and after tonight's show and the Stylus DJ events that took place last weekend-the conference in particular...Toronto aritst, yall need to step your game up and keep stepping it up. Learn the business side of this industry and TAKE constructive criticism, don't take it as anyone trying to knock you, shit...this is your city and my city, no need to put that whack stuff out and make us ALL look bad. Ya feel me? A little late but....damn...better late than never. I was helping out at the Stylus Spinfest that happened back on May 30th to June 2nd. During the conference..."It's starts with the dj" there were a few things that were mentioned, the most important thing that I want to mention that was the most effective part of the conference was this. You spend time in the studio, you pop out mixtapes, you expect deejays to play it because it's "homegrown" BUT just because it's "homegrown" are we to overlook the mediocrity of the material I think not! A lot of artists trying to take this music thing to the next level need to understand that there's more to it than just sitting in your basement studio or just a studio, trynna make shit that you think people will bump forget about the whoooolle professionalism involved, the business of aspect of marketing and branding yourself and your music. Be consistent and current....I'm waiting on certain things to drop...kinda like the west coast BEEN waiting on Dr. Dre's Detox. I do understand that it's hard, especially in Toronto. The below scenario is an example of why some people trying to get into this music industry think it's hard or even fail.
So I'm trying to setup for the next set of panelists coming out at the Stylus Dj conference the Saturday a guy taps me on the shoulder and says this..."Yo, I see your part of this...(duh my shirt says event staff...) hold on to this and let me know what's good...I want you to check this out..." He proceeds to handing me a about I holla back at that wooden table and leave it there...I was taken aback by his approach so I didn't even look at what was given to me, sorry to say I left it on the table backstage, reason: lack of professionalism, if you don't take pride in how you present yourself, what makes me think your music is gonna be any good/better? I didn't know if he was the producer or the mc, or just maybe a guy doing some promoting for his homeboy. This is a topic that can go on and on, but I rather not, it gets too complex, everyone has their own opinion...blah, blah, smah smah....but that's my 2 cents to let you know, I'm not an industry cat trying to sell my records, I'm a girl on the outside looking in. Like the title says..Stay HUNGRY but take some BUSINESS vitamins increase your knowledge in order to stay focus. Business and marketing plans should still exist for those who "rap". Do your research, A PROFESSIONAL MANNER, SO PEOPLE CAN TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY. This doesn't only go for artists though, this goes for anyone on a serious grind to make something of themselves. Peace!
These are the homegrown tracks that stick out to me randomly within the last year or 2. This is my list, so critics keep your comments to yourself. I personally think they all have a different sound that works for them.
1.) Loudmouths-I'm the boss (You all know about this on my ringtone and in the ride.)
2.) Sox-Hope (No comment, it hits me hard.)
3.) Tona-Dial Tone, Don't Holla
4.) Rochester-Pull Up, Priceless, I'm ready
5.) Brassmunk Album-Repo! Music & Magic
6.) BBL Album--Now that summers around the corner....I'm creeping slow again.
7.) Kardinal Offishall-E.G.G.
8.) Point Blank-Born and Raised in the Ghetto, God Only knows
9.) Mathematik-Righteous
10.) Mayhem Morearty-Smoke Clears
Of addition to above...
Sox- 29-9-9
Famous-Big Mon ting, 4th Biggest city, *Kid trynna make it...(heard it for the first time on freq's last night....damn...shouts out to Mayhem and Blake, I'm loving this track.)
Jd Era-Paper Chase
Luu Breeze-Break em off
**Disclaimer....Don't hate me if a song didn't make the cut!! It's late night, I just wrote what came to mind, I'll probably be cussing tomorrow when I realize I left something off. Oh well...don't sue me....please?
A.L.S.O-For u Boots Johnson...Disclaimer (2) Please forgive me for any spelling or grammatical errors, that might have caused you to stutter and re-read a line more than once!!!**
Quote of the day...It should be nothing to you if you love it and do it with passion. -Famous said something to affect last night.
If you didn't already know....
Enjoy the Videos....
Big Mon Ting!
Ayah ft. Tona-Pusha Man
Monday, June 9, 2008
Where you at...Mr. Chivalry?
Can I just say....YAH! I'm loving this weather...Life is good, right now. SO I've started this new shift at work I'm now working 9-5pm like most normal people that work in fancy buildings and I must say, I'm loving it. Can you believe I Stacey-StAR make it to work at 8:40....Not 8:50 or 9:40 but yes, 20 minutes before my shift!!! I'm not really a late kinda person, if I really wanna do something I can be on time, but lets just say the change of shift also caused a little paradigm shift and I'm looking at things from a whole new perspective. Anyway, my homegirl H.G. just came back from Florida and as she was telling me about her trip-she....sidebarred...and had this to say...."Toronto MEN are F*in Asses (I say that due to the larger amount asshole movements than nice ones)" and I thought about Ians Andre Espinet's blog a few months back, then I thought about my incidents on the weekend. I had this to say to her..."I KNOW RIGHT?" Anyway, she went to Florida that is comparable to T.O. to a CERTAIN extent, beaches and weather is mostly what it has going for it. On many occasions I've experienced the benevolence of other men when I've travelled, most recently the Foot Locker worker in B-Lo that hooked me and my bestfriend up with a WHOLE HEEP of Jolly Rancher jelly beans, by asking us..."You guys dig jelly beans?" It was small but it was thoughtful. Chivalry exists!! Just lacking in Toronto. Could it be that the men here are just used to us?? While when we go to other places, they just know that we're tourists?? or...or? or?? screwface capital just has some real dudes that are just straight selfish. Here's my examples of the asshole movements...
Situation #1-AS HOT AS club PERIDOT was on Saturday at 2000 TILL I swear this will be the last time I talk about the sweltering heat up in there. Check the scenario like I was Tribe...I was jamming to some Kanye that Dj P+ was puttin' down, trying to fan myself with my hand and prevent myself from passin' out. I had gotten real dizzy earlier staring at this dude in plaid shorts giving the crowd a run to Movado like it was 2003? what? He must've been locked up...Elephant man, Pon De River...soooooo 5 years ago!! I shimmy over to the bar and I spot a fan, but who would've known because this guy was standing directly in front of it. Anyway I passed him and went to the bar to grab a bottle of water, so on my way back to the other side, I PURPOSELY passed back his way and stood there for a minute dancing, all bumped the man on his shoulder...can you believe it?? Dude didn't even budge, so I continued to watch the dude bask in the cool breeze of the industrial fan. So I say out loud, DAMN IT'S HOT IN HERE U MIND SHARING THE FAN?!?!?! I know he heard me. What does he do? Steps back in the fan, almost hugging it to let me pass by! WHA DI ASS?? That's was straight mean. I watched him monopolize the fan for a good 10 minutes from across the room. I'm still upset thinking about it...a nice guy would've saw the sweat just shining on my arm and responded to my plea for cool air and give me some of the fan. I wasn't asking you to buy me a drink homie, I WAS ASKING FOR A LITTLE BREEZE!!
Situation #2- I went by my homeboys house, but I'm walking in with my suitcase of a purse, some Dominion bags (Don't get it twisted ain't shopping for him, I needed my own snacks, everyone knows MOST single men never have shit in their fridge and cupboards.) and a whole bunch a CDs that were in my car to give to him. I struggle through the entrance of the building. In the lobby there's a guy waiting for someone to answer the buzzer and let him in, but I have a key (once again, don't get it twisted, when we broke up I never gave it back, and we're just tight like that, he's my homie, not lover, but just a friend.) The gentleman continues to hold onto the door, turns around and acknowledges I have a key, so I STRUGGLE to get the Key into the door and he's watching me...alright cool, didn't think anything of it, maybe he didn't wanna overstep his boundaries by maybe holding a bag or taking the key, he probably thought that maybe I woulda thought that he was trying to rob me, who knows?! The point is I STRUGGLED to open the door with cds tucked under my arm, bags tearing off my wrist. I open the door and you would not believe what this guy does...instead of maybe holding the door so I can get through, or little ladies first typa thing...I pull the door open and he SQUEEZES PAST ME, STEPPING OVER MY FOOT that's on the frame of the door...biggest diss was the LACK OF THANKS. WTF?!?! UNBE...F*IN...LEIVABLE. I step into the elevator, with him...I sigh, HE SAYS.."Thanks for opening the door..." I just say Yeah nonchalantly. I swear I coulda took my bags and swung them at his head!
B.U.T--Shout outs to all the nice guys I know, even the ones that have a little more selfishness than they should, I ain't hating, cause I don't ask for much....hmmm maybe that's the problem. Us woman have grown accustomed to the way certain men are in the city so we won't call them they continue with this whack ass behaviour and don't feel the need to step their game up. Who cares if they call you miserable, I'm sure if you say what you gotta say they'll take it into consideration. I don't care call me miserable. My sarcasm does hold truth, I give u a chance through sarcasm to do the right thing, but if you still don't get the hint, either I call you out, or I don't mess with cha, cause ur not worth the time.
A.L.S.O--Nice guys....come out, come out, come out, wherever you are........
N.O.T.E--And you wonder why I'm still single, the dating game is a joke...CAUSE I SPEND MORE TIME CUSSING AND NIT PICKING...than trynna get to know a man, either my expectations are too high or kindness and consideration levels are too low on his part...hmmm, in my books the only way to go is up so....step ya game up...cause I'm not stepping into your land of mediocrity.
Disclaimer...I'm not bitter. Don't look into this too deep and think we wanna get wine and dined or have men kiss the ground we walk's the little things that make us FEEL like women. The Hiyahs, hellos and how are yous, if we make eye contact in the clubs or on the streets...the drive safes after the clubs if you ask for my number and I DON'T give it to you, or damn when you see me sweating lookin' like imma bout to pass out the....ARE YOU OK?!?!? Damn. General convos without the mention of my butt so I feel like the conversation will have some substance, not me automatically copping attitude cause you're already mentioning my physical attributes.
Situation #1-AS HOT AS club PERIDOT was on Saturday at 2000 TILL I swear this will be the last time I talk about the sweltering heat up in there. Check the scenario like I was Tribe...I was jamming to some Kanye that Dj P+ was puttin' down, trying to fan myself with my hand and prevent myself from passin' out. I had gotten real dizzy earlier staring at this dude in plaid shorts giving the crowd a run to Movado like it was 2003? what? He must've been locked up...Elephant man, Pon De River...soooooo 5 years ago!! I shimmy over to the bar and I spot a fan, but who would've known because this guy was standing directly in front of it. Anyway I passed him and went to the bar to grab a bottle of water, so on my way back to the other side, I PURPOSELY passed back his way and stood there for a minute dancing, all bumped the man on his shoulder...can you believe it?? Dude didn't even budge, so I continued to watch the dude bask in the cool breeze of the industrial fan. So I say out loud, DAMN IT'S HOT IN HERE U MIND SHARING THE FAN?!?!?! I know he heard me. What does he do? Steps back in the fan, almost hugging it to let me pass by! WHA DI ASS?? That's was straight mean. I watched him monopolize the fan for a good 10 minutes from across the room. I'm still upset thinking about it...a nice guy would've saw the sweat just shining on my arm and responded to my plea for cool air and give me some of the fan. I wasn't asking you to buy me a drink homie, I WAS ASKING FOR A LITTLE BREEZE!!
Situation #2- I went by my homeboys house, but I'm walking in with my suitcase of a purse, some Dominion bags (Don't get it twisted ain't shopping for him, I needed my own snacks, everyone knows MOST single men never have shit in their fridge and cupboards.) and a whole bunch a CDs that were in my car to give to him. I struggle through the entrance of the building. In the lobby there's a guy waiting for someone to answer the buzzer and let him in, but I have a key (once again, don't get it twisted, when we broke up I never gave it back, and we're just tight like that, he's my homie, not lover, but just a friend.) The gentleman continues to hold onto the door, turns around and acknowledges I have a key, so I STRUGGLE to get the Key into the door and he's watching me...alright cool, didn't think anything of it, maybe he didn't wanna overstep his boundaries by maybe holding a bag or taking the key, he probably thought that maybe I woulda thought that he was trying to rob me, who knows?! The point is I STRUGGLED to open the door with cds tucked under my arm, bags tearing off my wrist. I open the door and you would not believe what this guy does...instead of maybe holding the door so I can get through, or little ladies first typa thing...I pull the door open and he SQUEEZES PAST ME, STEPPING OVER MY FOOT that's on the frame of the door...biggest diss was the LACK OF THANKS. WTF?!?! UNBE...F*IN...LEIVABLE. I step into the elevator, with him...I sigh, HE SAYS.."Thanks for opening the door..." I just say Yeah nonchalantly. I swear I coulda took my bags and swung them at his head!
B.U.T--Shout outs to all the nice guys I know, even the ones that have a little more selfishness than they should, I ain't hating, cause I don't ask for much....hmmm maybe that's the problem. Us woman have grown accustomed to the way certain men are in the city so we won't call them they continue with this whack ass behaviour and don't feel the need to step their game up. Who cares if they call you miserable, I'm sure if you say what you gotta say they'll take it into consideration. I don't care call me miserable. My sarcasm does hold truth, I give u a chance through sarcasm to do the right thing, but if you still don't get the hint, either I call you out, or I don't mess with cha, cause ur not worth the time.
A.L.S.O--Nice guys....come out, come out, come out, wherever you are........
N.O.T.E--And you wonder why I'm still single, the dating game is a joke...CAUSE I SPEND MORE TIME CUSSING AND NIT PICKING...than trynna get to know a man, either my expectations are too high or kindness and consideration levels are too low on his part...hmmm, in my books the only way to go is up so....step ya game up...cause I'm not stepping into your land of mediocrity.
Disclaimer...I'm not bitter. Don't look into this too deep and think we wanna get wine and dined or have men kiss the ground we walk's the little things that make us FEEL like women. The Hiyahs, hellos and how are yous, if we make eye contact in the clubs or on the streets...the drive safes after the clubs if you ask for my number and I DON'T give it to you, or damn when you see me sweating lookin' like imma bout to pass out the....ARE YOU OK?!?!? Damn. General convos without the mention of my butt so I feel like the conversation will have some substance, not me automatically copping attitude cause you're already mentioning my physical attributes.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Why are you over there looking at me....HATER?!?!
Yesterday I was talking to my boy and he mentioned money makes the world go ‘round so I told him, I beg to differ. In StAR’s crazy world I think HATERS MAKE THE WORLD GO ‘ROUND. Let me elaborate: If you’ve ever seen the movie Inside Man with Clive Owen and “My Man” himself Denzel Washington, then you are familiar with this partial quote-“RESPECT IS THE ULTIMATE CURRENCY.” This was said at the end by Clive Owen’s character. It came to mind as I sat talking to him staring at the Inside Man DVD case sitting on my window seat. You can have all the money in the world but if no one likes you or respects you, what’s the point? You’re just a damn slot machine that either gets cussed at, banged up or sweet talked then hoodwinked for your riches! So how does this tie into the whole topic of haters? Simply, the more people hate, the harder you try. You surpass them and leave them with their self inflicted pain of envy/jealousy and YOU end up being successful, recognized and therefore being RESPECTED by many more people for your effort and perseverance. Making something out of yourself! This is a classic example of turning negative into positive. Don’t get me wrong everyone cops a little “haterism” sometime, I mean I’m hating on the chick who was bubbling all over Usher during his performance on Dancing With The StARS, or some of those kids on My Super Sweet 16! Everything else…it makes no sense hating cause I can most likely do something about it. Anyway I’m talking about the all day, everyday hater, the hater with no justification. When I use the term HATER-I’m not only referring to those that build up jealousy towards another, I’m also talking about the doubtful skeptic and the overly excessive critics. If you don’t know someone personally and never have…what are you hating on? They say the happiest people with the biggest smiles on the outside, can sometimes be the ones with most trials and tribulations inside. So what are you jealous of? Don’t bother hating because you’re on the outside looking at what an individual cares to show you, especially materialistically…YES! He drives a 5 series BMW, BUT did you know to maintain his car it’s half his monthly income and his other bills might all be delinquent? If you and I were friends-we once were on a personal level, so you might’ve known my every move and what I aspire to do, why you criticizing my movements guy?!?! Once again…HATER what are you hating on? DON’T HATE CONGRATULATE!! LOL. Put down the HATERADE need a cheap mediocre drink…buy some KOOL-AID (random, it rhymed!) I’m accumulating and investing my respect vouchers very wisely…cashing 1 here or there inconspicuously. Hehe. Ultimately having a goal of being a highly regarded, respected chick , who started out on the Jane strip (Holla my peoples!! Jokes.)! In the end everything that I choose to do as a person is to better myself, to maintain a LEVEL of RESPECT amongst the others that I also respect, and teach a lesson to those that should be giving respect. Don’t have something to say unless you have a more efficient alternative to improving what I am aspiring to do. How true is it to say that you are only hating because I have what you fail to achieve and I am what you cannot be. People! Spend less time focusing all that negativity and putting excess energy into grudging people for who they are what they have and start honing your own skills, so that you too can be a respectable person. Learn to tolerate who are, so that everyone else can tolerate you, however some people just don’t have it so they will always be playa hating from the sidelines…and you my hater over there, will be my key to obtaining success and getting the respect that I deserve. Hating is the sincerest form of flattery…I’m flattered.
Peace out, see you at the top...hopefully!
A.L.S.O--You say ur addicted to weed, hell i'm addicted to cheese...trynna cut that shit out, like I did the meat...I flow with such ease, when I should be asleep.......and CUT! (I'm such a clown and I LOVE it.)
QUOTE OF THE DAY: George Washington Carver “Fear of something is at the root of hate for others, and hate within will eventually destroy the hater.”
TRACK OF THE DAY: First thing that came to mind...Haha, some LAAAZZZZZZZY MASE. Sleeping while trying to do a one, two step!
Peace out, see you at the top...hopefully!
A.L.S.O--You say ur addicted to weed, hell i'm addicted to cheese...trynna cut that shit out, like I did the meat...I flow with such ease, when I should be asleep.......and CUT! (I'm such a clown and I LOVE it.)
QUOTE OF THE DAY: George Washington Carver “Fear of something is at the root of hate for others, and hate within will eventually destroy the hater.”
TRACK OF THE DAY: First thing that came to mind...Haha, some LAAAZZZZZZZY MASE. Sleeping while trying to do a one, two step!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
From being a trill B*t&h with Rick Ross to Dreaming out Loud with One Republic…I can be a Hip-Rock-Reggae-Soul-Hop kinda woman. I’m pretty well rounded and my day to day relationships with friends/acquaintances look just like my itunes library.
I consider myself to be a cool girl…I mean I can get down with the homies, but then throw down in the mall to help a few girl friends find banging ensembles. I think I give pretty good advice, relationship or just playing the bootleg “life coach.” Although most of my friends would say I think like a man, hmmm, I never really understood that nor do I agree that I have “a man’s mentality”. I have one girl friend who thinks I always seem to agree with her fiancé more than I do with her. LOL. I wouldn’t necessarily say I think like a man…I believe I tend to go with the more simplistic dealings. I just don’t use as much brain power or try to rationalize the irrational, which men also choose not to do. That’s just me being easy going and looking at situations from a different point of view, where both parties could be considered right. LOL. Mutable or versatile is what most people would call me because I’m down to earth and cultured. That’s nice to know, but it goes deeper than that…I fight a constant battle…HOMEGIRL Syndrome. Yes that’s right, I’m sure you all could probably guess anyway. I didn’t fully understand it until now. Exhibit A “I just love chillin’ wit you, you’re like one of the HOMEBOYS!” Exhibit B “We’re too much alike, you’re too good to be true, something must be wrong with you. We get along like me and my BOYS!” Wait a second, aren’t both exhibits samples of what would be contained in the recipe for a healthy, open, communicative relationship? Especially, when it’s someone that you might potentially be interested in or would like to be in a committed relationship with? I guess not. I’m sorry my eyes light up when I see a gaming console or I give criticisms on a real deal, no sugar coated watered down opinions, can keep the “brotherhood code” and not mess up my boy’s game. I know I’m not rough and rugged looking, so how does a girl like me get passed being looked at as the homegirl? My answer to my own question is this: I don’t. Instead-what is to happen is the following…that guy, “the one” finds me. For the moment, until he comes along, being the homegirl is how I have power over-in determining who I choose to date. I change for no one. The way I see it, if any of the above statements are mentioned and I’m interested in an individual and those are his excuses for not taking it to the next level…he’s just not ready. Plain and Simple. He might just be intimidated by me because I’m not easily fooled. He’s really only setting me up good for the next dude (hopefully Mr. Right) the one I know so well, it’s impossible for him to lie to me, we think like each other-like our brains are on the same wave lengths, I feel what he feels and vice versa, we can have long deep conversations and most of all he TRUSTS me. Not really his loss for breaking the news to me, I mean we can still be cool…I understand, don’t think you’re hurting my feelings and killing my self-esteem. Everything just ain’t for everybody, and he clearly was not for me in that way. It just makes me realize that I am damn near close to perfect! Haha. I just gotta wait on my counterpart to find me. Also being the homegirl, helps me keep my standards real high, like right up in the nose bleeds, it allows me to be picky as hell, with men trying swing talks my way. I frown no more on being the homegirl, I raise my head high and feel proud that I can relate and avoid being bamboozled. I vent to my boys when girls just wouldn’t understand, hear the females and their mistakes so I don’t have to repeat AND lessen my chances of becoming involved in anything named drama! I can’t and will not dumb it down to be just A girl.
Of course, out with a track…oh so fitting as well, see videos below. Peace!
P.S. Does anyone own R. Kelly's 12 play album without a crack in it? Did you like me get tired of lending it out and having to just spot it when you went to check a friend?
Cheryl: Well, after you left, he started getting into drugs and stuff. Things got really bad when he... Jack Spade: Well, what? Cheryl, come on! Cheryl: He started wearing gold chains, Jack. Jack Spade: Oh, God, no!
I consider myself to be a cool girl…I mean I can get down with the homies, but then throw down in the mall to help a few girl friends find banging ensembles. I think I give pretty good advice, relationship or just playing the bootleg “life coach.” Although most of my friends would say I think like a man, hmmm, I never really understood that nor do I agree that I have “a man’s mentality”. I have one girl friend who thinks I always seem to agree with her fiancé more than I do with her. LOL. I wouldn’t necessarily say I think like a man…I believe I tend to go with the more simplistic dealings. I just don’t use as much brain power or try to rationalize the irrational, which men also choose not to do. That’s just me being easy going and looking at situations from a different point of view, where both parties could be considered right. LOL. Mutable or versatile is what most people would call me because I’m down to earth and cultured. That’s nice to know, but it goes deeper than that…I fight a constant battle…HOMEGIRL Syndrome. Yes that’s right, I’m sure you all could probably guess anyway. I didn’t fully understand it until now. Exhibit A “I just love chillin’ wit you, you’re like one of the HOMEBOYS!” Exhibit B “We’re too much alike, you’re too good to be true, something must be wrong with you. We get along like me and my BOYS!” Wait a second, aren’t both exhibits samples of what would be contained in the recipe for a healthy, open, communicative relationship? Especially, when it’s someone that you might potentially be interested in or would like to be in a committed relationship with? I guess not. I’m sorry my eyes light up when I see a gaming console or I give criticisms on a real deal, no sugar coated watered down opinions, can keep the “brotherhood code” and not mess up my boy’s game. I know I’m not rough and rugged looking, so how does a girl like me get passed being looked at as the homegirl? My answer to my own question is this: I don’t. Instead-what is to happen is the following…that guy, “the one” finds me. For the moment, until he comes along, being the homegirl is how I have power over-in determining who I choose to date. I change for no one. The way I see it, if any of the above statements are mentioned and I’m interested in an individual and those are his excuses for not taking it to the next level…he’s just not ready. Plain and Simple. He might just be intimidated by me because I’m not easily fooled. He’s really only setting me up good for the next dude (hopefully Mr. Right) the one I know so well, it’s impossible for him to lie to me, we think like each other-like our brains are on the same wave lengths, I feel what he feels and vice versa, we can have long deep conversations and most of all he TRUSTS me. Not really his loss for breaking the news to me, I mean we can still be cool…I understand, don’t think you’re hurting my feelings and killing my self-esteem. Everything just ain’t for everybody, and he clearly was not for me in that way. It just makes me realize that I am damn near close to perfect! Haha. I just gotta wait on my counterpart to find me. Also being the homegirl, helps me keep my standards real high, like right up in the nose bleeds, it allows me to be picky as hell, with men trying swing talks my way. I frown no more on being the homegirl, I raise my head high and feel proud that I can relate and avoid being bamboozled. I vent to my boys when girls just wouldn’t understand, hear the females and their mistakes so I don’t have to repeat AND lessen my chances of becoming involved in anything named drama! I can’t and will not dumb it down to be just A girl.
Of course, out with a track…oh so fitting as well, see videos below. Peace!
P.S. Does anyone own R. Kelly's 12 play album without a crack in it? Did you like me get tired of lending it out and having to just spot it when you went to check a friend?
A.L.S.O Does R. Kelly ever listen to his old stuff to maybe get back the definition of real R&B?
S.E.E. Keenan Ivory Wayans used to be the shit, where'd he go?? I loved his show for the brief moment it was this day...I'M GONNA GIT YOU SUCKA is one of my favourite movies.
from IMDB.Com
Rib Joint Customer: Ya got any soda? Hammer: One dollar. Rib Joint Customer: Aw, c'mon, now! Look out for a brother, man, c'mon, yeah. Check this out: why don't you let me get a sip for fifteen cents? Hammer: My cups cost more than fifteen cents! Rib Joint Customer: All right, fuck the cup. Pour it in my hand for a dime!
1 more!Cheryl: Well, after you left, he started getting into drugs and stuff. Things got really bad when he... Jack Spade: Well, what? Cheryl, come on! Cheryl: He started wearing gold chains, Jack. Jack Spade: Oh, God, no!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Setting the mood with...Gotta Get Mine-Infinite ft. Divine Brown
As my Blackberry goes off at 6:04 am, my daily inspirational go-getter email comes in from Jim Rohn…Subject: CAN YOU REALLY GET ANYTHING YOU WANT OUT OF LIFE? ANYTHING? The answer: YES, It is possible for you to get anything you want out of life. Anything. But there’s just one problem. Usually…SOMEONE ELSE HAS IT, AND YOU HAVE TO CONVINCE THEM TO GIVE IT TO YOU!
I’ve realized that I’m not the only one who currently is in this F everything mood, wanting to just change everything from job to lifestyle. I thought about it last night-When I don’t have a job, I seem to stress less about how my bills are going to get paid and where is money coming from when the savings account has gone dry. Right now I’m between a rock and hard place because I have put myself there, and like a child who crawls between the coffee table and couch sitting, contemplating, which way to use to get out. Here I sit confined between a job I dislike (my coffee table) and my passion (my couch, my comfort.) I could quit my job, break it to my parents to get a cussing, with their old school mentality they just wouldn’t understand what I meant by me following my passions-although there would be no immediate monetary gain. I’m still wondering what will be that push for me, in reference to Jim Rohn…Is it my boss GIVING me my pink slip? Or me just sitting at my desk one day with the usual headache I get daily when I step into work and smell corporate politics and the bullshit of shadiness...then just saying…I QUIT, keep my mags and notepads, I’ll take the coffee cups! Then I snap back to reality and say it’s not that easy…I’m not gonna lie, I haven’t learned to make certain sacrifices as yet…like not buying shoes, seeing the latest movies by myself, eating out, damn going out. Sometimes I think if I ate meat again would that solve the problem, I mean my grocery list would be chopped by like 75%! Money saved. Anyway, I got up real early this morning with Scrabble on the brain as I continue my quest on beating my homeboy P Plus in a game. It’s not that I suck, I mean Scrabble and Scattegories are my favourite games I just didn’t think I would find my match, this son of a gun P Plus who keeps beating me…like creeping up on me….slow kill…beating me…simply because great minds think a like, I guess…(no not really haha). Before I get carried away with Scrabble…I’m actually ready for work, sitting here…writing…waiting for time to run out slowly, before I check into day prison like some kind of criminal. My crime…holding passion and love hostage, conspiring in every aspect, taking advantage/abusing time, being a prodigal, indulging/participating in the underground society of shoe fiends. I guess I have to serve my time until I get my scared straight experience. Do you remember the scared straight video series back in middle school?? Damn, kids would probably laugh at that shit now, or recognize a friend or cousin, it’s a shame. Life is not meant to be figured out at times it seems, especially now. Time, time, time, everything happens with time, well either time is moving too fast or I’m moving too slow and in dire need of stepping my game up. Whatever it is…I’m trying my damn hardest to make myself happy and do what I want…and I will get there. Leave this peoplesoft/ceridian payroll thing behind unless I’m doing it for myself, the daily nag of someone delegating a task to me, not because they are overwhelmed with work, but to hide the fact that they REALLY don’t know what they're doing. Well the change starts with me, right now, I’m off to get what belongs to me from someone, something. It starts with one thing…ME BEING ON TIME FOR WORK, since I’m walking on thin glass with tardiness. Don’t get it twisted though, if I loved my job, I would be on time everyday, it’s just the 30 minutes it takes for me to contemplate if today is the day I walk in there and grab my blue mountain box and say…SEE YA NEXT LIFETIME….well today is not the day, I’m out. PEACE!!!
TRACK OF THE DAY....Only fitting
I’ve realized that I’m not the only one who currently is in this F everything mood, wanting to just change everything from job to lifestyle. I thought about it last night-When I don’t have a job, I seem to stress less about how my bills are going to get paid and where is money coming from when the savings account has gone dry. Right now I’m between a rock and hard place because I have put myself there, and like a child who crawls between the coffee table and couch sitting, contemplating, which way to use to get out. Here I sit confined between a job I dislike (my coffee table) and my passion (my couch, my comfort.) I could quit my job, break it to my parents to get a cussing, with their old school mentality they just wouldn’t understand what I meant by me following my passions-although there would be no immediate monetary gain. I’m still wondering what will be that push for me, in reference to Jim Rohn…Is it my boss GIVING me my pink slip? Or me just sitting at my desk one day with the usual headache I get daily when I step into work and smell corporate politics and the bullshit of shadiness...then just saying…I QUIT, keep my mags and notepads, I’ll take the coffee cups! Then I snap back to reality and say it’s not that easy…I’m not gonna lie, I haven’t learned to make certain sacrifices as yet…like not buying shoes, seeing the latest movies by myself, eating out, damn going out. Sometimes I think if I ate meat again would that solve the problem, I mean my grocery list would be chopped by like 75%! Money saved. Anyway, I got up real early this morning with Scrabble on the brain as I continue my quest on beating my homeboy P Plus in a game. It’s not that I suck, I mean Scrabble and Scattegories are my favourite games I just didn’t think I would find my match, this son of a gun P Plus who keeps beating me…like creeping up on me….slow kill…beating me…simply because great minds think a like, I guess…(no not really haha). Before I get carried away with Scrabble…I’m actually ready for work, sitting here…writing…waiting for time to run out slowly, before I check into day prison like some kind of criminal. My crime…holding passion and love hostage, conspiring in every aspect, taking advantage/abusing time, being a prodigal, indulging/participating in the underground society of shoe fiends. I guess I have to serve my time until I get my scared straight experience. Do you remember the scared straight video series back in middle school?? Damn, kids would probably laugh at that shit now, or recognize a friend or cousin, it’s a shame. Life is not meant to be figured out at times it seems, especially now. Time, time, time, everything happens with time, well either time is moving too fast or I’m moving too slow and in dire need of stepping my game up. Whatever it is…I’m trying my damn hardest to make myself happy and do what I want…and I will get there. Leave this peoplesoft/ceridian payroll thing behind unless I’m doing it for myself, the daily nag of someone delegating a task to me, not because they are overwhelmed with work, but to hide the fact that they REALLY don’t know what they're doing. Well the change starts with me, right now, I’m off to get what belongs to me from someone, something. It starts with one thing…ME BEING ON TIME FOR WORK, since I’m walking on thin glass with tardiness. Don’t get it twisted though, if I loved my job, I would be on time everyday, it’s just the 30 minutes it takes for me to contemplate if today is the day I walk in there and grab my blue mountain box and say…SEE YA NEXT LIFETIME….well today is not the day, I’m out. PEACE!!!
TRACK OF THE DAY....Only fitting
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mo-Mo-Mother's Day...Part 1 and Nostalgia
I'm not even gonna mention the hiatus from blog world. Let's just say I was lovin' the no obligations to school and ting. My foot's been reaaaal hot! Anyway, let me just jump right in it, like I never left. So I was talking to one of my homeboy's this week and some of my homegirl's, the same topic kept resurfacing...the Baby Momma I can't stand. A lot of my homeboy's that have children are either in category A, which is-I take care of my child(ren), I love him/her/them, and I love the mother of my child(ren) regardless that we are not together. THEN, there is category B-I take care of my child(ren), I love him/her/them, but...the mother is straaaiight trippin'. I'm going to talk about the latter. Sidenote: I am proud to say, I don't have any homeboy's that I need to be cussin' about not taking care of their child(ren). Anyway, I figured since it's Mother's day, I'm going to touch on the subject. I respect the men that do whatever they can for their children, but some of these women need to keep in mind that the father of your child needs to eat too!!! Like come on!! He gives you money, will even go buy clothes, take's the kids on the weekend, BUT still that mother just feels it's not enough. I personally think at times this "nagging" is an excuse to hide the real just can't stand to see him living his life and you're not fully in it. Child or no child, some people are just not meant to be together forever, maybe for a moment or second-the individual is a lesson, understand that. I also think "I'm trying to make it work for the sake of the child" is not a good can't learn to love someone-that's called mediocre's not cool. So it's Mother's day...yes, you deserve the appreciation of carrying a child for 9 months, for raising that child and being the best god damn role model you can (I HOPE!), but please give me a break...don't expect to get the world from the father of your child on this date, ESPECIALLY when the other 364 days you've treated him like he hasn't done anything for you and your child, when he has. Respect him as an individual, give him points for trying and you'll get the same. Don't hate on him if he has a new girl or he feels that things just wouldn't work out between the two of you. I completely understand why some men seem like they are not taking care of their's the animosity that has built up caused by a female that makes it damn near impossible for them to civil. Most men don't enjoy confrontations or arguments and to avoid these he'll stay away, which turns into him "not mining his yute." Happy Mother's day to you females, happy God-Mother's day to me and the others (hehe)...but please for the ignorant ones that make it hard for a man to deal, don't question why he only sent you a text and did not call you and deliver flowers, maybe it's time to give him more respect and allow him to take care of his child with no interruptions of your own underlying selfishness.
B.t.w--Happy Mother's day to all the single mother's that have the full-time job, raise their children the best they can, on a system way tighter than the government's!...AND ABOVE ALL...are civil with the father's for the well-being of the child.
A.L.S.O--I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the them all the beauty they possess inside...give them a sense of pride......(yeah I know what you're thinking.)
S.E.E--Raise your hands if like me, you told your mom you liked turkey and mustard sandwiches like the other kids at school..(but really you didn't, you just wanted to be cool cause all the other kids had it. You didn't wanna bring corned beef or shredded curry chicken sandwiches!) and for months steady you had to be throwing your lunch out or keeping it at the bottom of your school bag till your mom wondered what that stench was...and realized she oughta stop buying it.
I just thought I would give a shout out to my mom. I love her to death, she pretty much was a single mom, who always did her best and tried her hardest to please me, with whatever money she had. She always kept me looking fly, with the latest sneakers, no matter how high and pinch my cord pants were, how bright my socks were, and how tight my shirts were....I was the FIRST person on the whole elementary school yard to buss a pair of high top Fila's with the thick ass bottoms, or my favourite shoes EVER...L.A. LIGHTS! But she slipped up one time on keeping me looking it is...I had asked for a SONY walkman with the MC HAMMER...Please Hammer, Don't hurt em...TAPE...I wanted to bang out to U Can't touch this and Have you seen her. Anyway mom comes home and says she got me a walkman and the TAPE I wanted...I open the bag to find a no name yellow and grey walkman and MC Hammer's Let's Get It Started tape. I told my mom it was the wrong tape and of course the response I got was...the other one you asked for was too expensive, it's still MC HAMMER, what's the big deal? So here I was trying to sell the song "Son of the King" to all my friends as one of the illest Hammer joints. Booooo! Needless to say the ear phones stopped working after like two weeks and the tape got taped over with lunch countdowns from AM 640. I love you mom!
Ok I'm really out.
B.t.w--Happy Mother's day to all the single mother's that have the full-time job, raise their children the best they can, on a system way tighter than the government's!...AND ABOVE ALL...are civil with the father's for the well-being of the child.
A.L.S.O--I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the them all the beauty they possess inside...give them a sense of pride......(yeah I know what you're thinking.)
S.E.E--Raise your hands if like me, you told your mom you liked turkey and mustard sandwiches like the other kids at school..(but really you didn't, you just wanted to be cool cause all the other kids had it. You didn't wanna bring corned beef or shredded curry chicken sandwiches!) and for months steady you had to be throwing your lunch out or keeping it at the bottom of your school bag till your mom wondered what that stench was...and realized she oughta stop buying it.
I just thought I would give a shout out to my mom. I love her to death, she pretty much was a single mom, who always did her best and tried her hardest to please me, with whatever money she had. She always kept me looking fly, with the latest sneakers, no matter how high and pinch my cord pants were, how bright my socks were, and how tight my shirts were....I was the FIRST person on the whole elementary school yard to buss a pair of high top Fila's with the thick ass bottoms, or my favourite shoes EVER...L.A. LIGHTS! But she slipped up one time on keeping me looking it is...I had asked for a SONY walkman with the MC HAMMER...Please Hammer, Don't hurt em...TAPE...I wanted to bang out to U Can't touch this and Have you seen her. Anyway mom comes home and says she got me a walkman and the TAPE I wanted...I open the bag to find a no name yellow and grey walkman and MC Hammer's Let's Get It Started tape. I told my mom it was the wrong tape and of course the response I got was...the other one you asked for was too expensive, it's still MC HAMMER, what's the big deal? So here I was trying to sell the song "Son of the King" to all my friends as one of the illest Hammer joints. Booooo! Needless to say the ear phones stopped working after like two weeks and the tape got taped over with lunch countdowns from AM 640. I love you mom!
Ok I'm really out.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Present, Futuristic thinker!
I guess the new hairdo and I are getting along (thank goodness)! Thanks to everyone, that's been feeling it and gassing up my head! I'm still waiting for someone to say they DON'T like it so I can turn my nose up at them! (Jokes, I wouldn't dare...or would I?? LOL)
I'm beginning to feel like Reverend Run without the bath of bubbles (grown man in bubbles up to his chin, somehow it just cracks me up!) ever since I got this BlackBerry. It's so much easier for me to get my thoughts out, because they do lose their effectiveness and coherence when u try to make up your main point later on. I woke up this morning and decided to clean out my purse, and upon going through my purse, I came across a whole stack of sticky StAR notes with quotes and songs, that I might've taken in on a particular day. I have a habit of walking with sticky notes in my bag, I'm kinda old school like that. I'll write on them and then transfer them to my pda, but I just LOVE sticky notes! So a quote that I always seem to go back to and must've been written several times on orange and yellow StARs was the following: One of life's biggest challenges is discovering your personal essence and then the ability to self-actualize. Being on the whole lesson learned tip, I figured I would try and rationalize the following...I for one think about how the future will play out WAAAY too much, where I then lose track of the extenuating procedures that can potentially lead up to positive futuristic developments; in turn, making this capricorn have a harder mountain to climb. I know, I put myself out there with one of my biggest faults. LOL! Everything cannot be calculated, hell a little damage control is good for the soul when you mess up on your decision making! I'm going to try living in the present more often, so that I can create a sense of urgency for immediate or sooner than later results, when dealing with situations and the execution of thoughts. Exhibit 1-I was reading a book by the name of Syrup I think written by Maxx Barry (great book by the way). It's a fictional book about a man Scat who planned on selling an idea to Coca Cola for a new Cola product, which would have brought in dollars, but a whole bunch of roadblocks occur (I'm not gonna give the story away). In the first few pages of the book he mentions that an individual thinks of approximately 3 million dollar ideas, but will most likely never execute, therefore having someone beat you to that pot of gold at the end of that marketing plan! Exhibit 2-I've learned: To love someone in the present by compromising one's self, not necessarily based off how things are currently, but moreso based on how things SHOULD be can prove to be detrimental. Why? Once we realize that we've been holding on to hope and empty dreams we recognize that we have FAILED. Who likes to fail?? It's embarassing!?!? We cannot guarantee an auspicious future, however acting on our present state of mind can initiate the beginning to a list of possibilities. Write that idea down and throw it to someone you REALLY trust (not someone like Scat's roomate who stole his idea to bank off it!) as a matter a fact launch it yourself, then speak to someone you really trust for their opinion. This line is cliche but true; if you love someone tell them, at least they can never say they didn't know or you'll realize, HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU (I love that book. LOL) So in conclusion, the present is a gift, enjoy it! Like Common said, "Don't worry about tomorrow cause today is a blessing." and for the women of lost love: "The past is HIStory, the present a gift of sadness, the future is bright." Know who you are and what you want, work on YOU immediately to reach your full potential and of course the best way for that to be with the present.
I'm out. For some reason, I'm up at night and wanting to sleep in the day like I'm some owl that doesn't have to be at a desk all day. Well I'm not an owl and I definitely need to be awake at I will be trying to force myself to sleep riiiiighhhhht nooooooooooow. Peace
***B.t.w (Corny ass thought)- I'm wondering how many more songs The Game is gonna come out with that have him talking about Dre, Impalas and dreams. Nevertheless, a decent track. Big Dreams-The Game produced by Cool and Dre.
Song of the day: Hold it Down-Buckshot, Talib Kweli and 9th Wonder.
Quote of the day: (from above) Life's biggest challenge is discovering your personal essence and then to self-acutalize
I'm beginning to feel like Reverend Run without the bath of bubbles (grown man in bubbles up to his chin, somehow it just cracks me up!) ever since I got this BlackBerry. It's so much easier for me to get my thoughts out, because they do lose their effectiveness and coherence when u try to make up your main point later on. I woke up this morning and decided to clean out my purse, and upon going through my purse, I came across a whole stack of sticky StAR notes with quotes and songs, that I might've taken in on a particular day. I have a habit of walking with sticky notes in my bag, I'm kinda old school like that. I'll write on them and then transfer them to my pda, but I just LOVE sticky notes! So a quote that I always seem to go back to and must've been written several times on orange and yellow StARs was the following: One of life's biggest challenges is discovering your personal essence and then the ability to self-actualize. Being on the whole lesson learned tip, I figured I would try and rationalize the following...I for one think about how the future will play out WAAAY too much, where I then lose track of the extenuating procedures that can potentially lead up to positive futuristic developments; in turn, making this capricorn have a harder mountain to climb. I know, I put myself out there with one of my biggest faults. LOL! Everything cannot be calculated, hell a little damage control is good for the soul when you mess up on your decision making! I'm going to try living in the present more often, so that I can create a sense of urgency for immediate or sooner than later results, when dealing with situations and the execution of thoughts. Exhibit 1-I was reading a book by the name of Syrup I think written by Maxx Barry (great book by the way). It's a fictional book about a man Scat who planned on selling an idea to Coca Cola for a new Cola product, which would have brought in dollars, but a whole bunch of roadblocks occur (I'm not gonna give the story away). In the first few pages of the book he mentions that an individual thinks of approximately 3 million dollar ideas, but will most likely never execute, therefore having someone beat you to that pot of gold at the end of that marketing plan! Exhibit 2-I've learned: To love someone in the present by compromising one's self, not necessarily based off how things are currently, but moreso based on how things SHOULD be can prove to be detrimental. Why? Once we realize that we've been holding on to hope and empty dreams we recognize that we have FAILED. Who likes to fail?? It's embarassing!?!? We cannot guarantee an auspicious future, however acting on our present state of mind can initiate the beginning to a list of possibilities. Write that idea down and throw it to someone you REALLY trust (not someone like Scat's roomate who stole his idea to bank off it!) as a matter a fact launch it yourself, then speak to someone you really trust for their opinion. This line is cliche but true; if you love someone tell them, at least they can never say they didn't know or you'll realize, HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU (I love that book. LOL) So in conclusion, the present is a gift, enjoy it! Like Common said, "Don't worry about tomorrow cause today is a blessing." and for the women of lost love: "The past is HIStory, the present a gift of sadness, the future is bright." Know who you are and what you want, work on YOU immediately to reach your full potential and of course the best way for that to be with the present.
I'm out. For some reason, I'm up at night and wanting to sleep in the day like I'm some owl that doesn't have to be at a desk all day. Well I'm not an owl and I definitely need to be awake at I will be trying to force myself to sleep riiiiighhhhht nooooooooooow. Peace
***B.t.w (Corny ass thought)- I'm wondering how many more songs The Game is gonna come out with that have him talking about Dre, Impalas and dreams. Nevertheless, a decent track. Big Dreams-The Game produced by Cool and Dre.
Song of the day: Hold it Down-Buckshot, Talib Kweli and 9th Wonder.
Quote of the day: (from above) Life's biggest challenge is discovering your personal essence and then to self-acutalize
Friday, March 28, 2008
What a Day!
As my week off comes to an end, I hold my head down and cry...37.5 hours next week outside my house at a desk...well maybe 33hrs (Jay-Z Concert, I'm leaving early!) This week was a very interesting week....VERY interesting week! I won't go into detail of all that defined my week as interesting. First off, ANNOUNCEMENT: After continuous battles with my UT Starcom, it finally decided to give up the good fight, so I am officially a part of the CRACK Berry world. I've upgraded my handset to the Blackberry 8830. So now I can use cool phrases like everyone else..."hit me on the BB," "ping" and so on. All the additional features that it has, made me not miss the good ole Windows mobile and touch screen on the Pocket PC.
My day as follows...I'm up at 7am on my day off, I don't know why, but I am. 10am I hit the 401 to drop my car off to get it's car physical at the car clinic, Doctor, I mean Mr. Chin (not his real name, but you know how it goes with blacks and Asians)...his wife, with the best english possible says to me, "why you wait so long to fix everytin', you mess up car and pay me more money." I say..."See, your husband fixes the cars you run the show, you remind him that he needs to collect money for work done!" "I on the other hand cannot remember to bring my car in...because I am the single female that runs her own show..." "Fixing a car with no suspected noises?? naaaaah! Unless I hear click, clacking, you won't see me Cindy!" 10:51 I call Enterprise car rental a block over (less than 10 minutes)...dude says..."Ok! Pick up will be there in 15 minutes!"11:30 still waiting...I call back he says.."Oh! She's on her way, just on Markham Rd. (I'm on Markham Rd. Right....) 12:05 Stacey turns into a green monster and calls back...dude says..."Well uhhh! She was outside and no one was there..." I reply, "ummm I am outside staring at Mack trucks getting washed your driver is straight trippin'" I digress for a moment. In the midst of all this waiting, a black guy walks into the shop and first thing out his mouth is, "hi, you have man?" I don't like to lie, but given my circumstance and the black guy in a burgundy shirt, cream and red striped tie, an Adidas headband on with a pair of K Swiss sneaks that I know should definitely be white, but are now brown...I said, "YES!" He then decides to stand beside me like I needed help waiting and asks question #2..."My car can't move out the pound, you think they'll charge me for keeping it there for a couple of days??" Nicca! They like dudes like you...So I reply "Let me guess your car broke down, so you left it?? And it got towed off the side of the road?? (Just my assumption given the latter question and his look.)" He replies, "yes." I am highly irritated at this time. Ladies understand what I'm talking about; there is nothing more annoying than a man catching you at the wrong time, trying to make small talk when you clearly want to rip his head off (I'm not gonna lie, if he was cute I would've compromised a bit. LOL) My phone was also dead so I couldn't do any decoy calling. Anyway, he must've thought I was a real ass after the next question. Question #3 (might I add he's throwing back a few fries and eating a greasy ass drumstick from KFC out his back pack) "Which way are you going? You think I can bum a ride off you? Just drop me up the street!" AHHHHHHHH! I stormed out the auto shop, he follows I say..."I don't know you, number 2; why would I be standing here looking out this window at the driveway? I am clearly waiting for a ride as well, maybe you should call someone like I did." I just don't understand what some individuals think, when approaching another individual, but then again, after reading IAN's blog on Bitchassness and Men stepping their game up, I have to give him a point for effort...which will lead to my next blog in a bit...MEN KNOW YOUR LIMITS AND STANDARDS!!! To sum it all up though, turns out that the car he thought couldn't start because of alternator issues just needed a boost to the battery, which my mechanic kindly gave him after pushing his car out the pound (sidebar: HE DIDN'T EVEN GIVE MY MECHANIC A TIP!!!). So anyway Enterprise finally arrives to pick me up, the Altima I wanted is given away because the bastards took too long in picking me up, so I get a Corolla with no discount for my inconvenience. At this point I was too tired to argue about a dollar. Peace, semi-bedtime, time to unwind!
Lesson Learned: When renting from Enterprise, they're apparently on black people time so call them 2 hrs before reaching your destination for pick up, that way your estimated wait time will probably be 15 minutes! This will also limit the amount of strange people trying to talk to you!
Song of the day: Step Off-Souls of Mischief
Sidebar: To the lady at the Markham Rd exit off the 401...How much can you really make at Markham rd for a trip to Calgary WITH a sign saying: I'M NOT A HOOKER, MOVING TO CALGARY...DRIVE SAFE!! hmmmm...
**I don't know know anything at all, who am I to say......
My day as follows...I'm up at 7am on my day off, I don't know why, but I am. 10am I hit the 401 to drop my car off to get it's car physical at the car clinic, Doctor, I mean Mr. Chin (not his real name, but you know how it goes with blacks and Asians)...his wife, with the best english possible says to me, "why you wait so long to fix everytin', you mess up car and pay me more money." I say..."See, your husband fixes the cars you run the show, you remind him that he needs to collect money for work done!" "I on the other hand cannot remember to bring my car in...because I am the single female that runs her own show..." "Fixing a car with no suspected noises?? naaaaah! Unless I hear click, clacking, you won't see me Cindy!" 10:51 I call Enterprise car rental a block over (less than 10 minutes)...dude says..."Ok! Pick up will be there in 15 minutes!"11:30 still waiting...I call back he says.."Oh! She's on her way, just on Markham Rd. (I'm on Markham Rd. Right....) 12:05 Stacey turns into a green monster and calls back...dude says..."Well uhhh! She was outside and no one was there..." I reply, "ummm I am outside staring at Mack trucks getting washed your driver is straight trippin'" I digress for a moment. In the midst of all this waiting, a black guy walks into the shop and first thing out his mouth is, "hi, you have man?" I don't like to lie, but given my circumstance and the black guy in a burgundy shirt, cream and red striped tie, an Adidas headband on with a pair of K Swiss sneaks that I know should definitely be white, but are now brown...I said, "YES!" He then decides to stand beside me like I needed help waiting and asks question #2..."My car can't move out the pound, you think they'll charge me for keeping it there for a couple of days??" Nicca! They like dudes like you...So I reply "Let me guess your car broke down, so you left it?? And it got towed off the side of the road?? (Just my assumption given the latter question and his look.)" He replies, "yes." I am highly irritated at this time. Ladies understand what I'm talking about; there is nothing more annoying than a man catching you at the wrong time, trying to make small talk when you clearly want to rip his head off (I'm not gonna lie, if he was cute I would've compromised a bit. LOL) My phone was also dead so I couldn't do any decoy calling. Anyway, he must've thought I was a real ass after the next question. Question #3 (might I add he's throwing back a few fries and eating a greasy ass drumstick from KFC out his back pack) "Which way are you going? You think I can bum a ride off you? Just drop me up the street!" AHHHHHHHH! I stormed out the auto shop, he follows I say..."I don't know you, number 2; why would I be standing here looking out this window at the driveway? I am clearly waiting for a ride as well, maybe you should call someone like I did." I just don't understand what some individuals think, when approaching another individual, but then again, after reading IAN's blog on Bitchassness and Men stepping their game up, I have to give him a point for effort...which will lead to my next blog in a bit...MEN KNOW YOUR LIMITS AND STANDARDS!!! To sum it all up though, turns out that the car he thought couldn't start because of alternator issues just needed a boost to the battery, which my mechanic kindly gave him after pushing his car out the pound (sidebar: HE DIDN'T EVEN GIVE MY MECHANIC A TIP!!!). So anyway Enterprise finally arrives to pick me up, the Altima I wanted is given away because the bastards took too long in picking me up, so I get a Corolla with no discount for my inconvenience. At this point I was too tired to argue about a dollar. Peace, semi-bedtime, time to unwind!
Lesson Learned: When renting from Enterprise, they're apparently on black people time so call them 2 hrs before reaching your destination for pick up, that way your estimated wait time will probably be 15 minutes! This will also limit the amount of strange people trying to talk to you!
Song of the day: Step Off-Souls of Mischief
Sidebar: To the lady at the Markham Rd exit off the 401...How much can you really make at Markham rd for a trip to Calgary WITH a sign saying: I'M NOT A HOOKER, MOVING TO CALGARY...DRIVE SAFE!! hmmmm...
**I don't know know anything at all, who am I to say......
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
There's nothing more well stated than the following..."the truth hurts!" I for one understand that the truth hurts, but I get over it and in the end I say..."I respect you for being honest..." therefore my actions subsequential to your brutal honesty should not affect no one else but me...the now and present decision maker. If you feel the need to (for lack of a better word)..."cop" attitude and take it as an insult because you as the individual felt my actions are now you think it's fair? If you've now demotivated me or shot my esteem, can you really blame me for my actions? The point that I am trying to make is this, while others say..."you can't handle the truth..." there's me and a few others who'll say..."I may not be able to handle the truth, how YOU would like me to, however I will be handling it!" END OF DISCUSSION...No need to hold malice or attitudes...ESPECIALLY when you should've been expecting my reaction to be one of a negative nature...who's told something that might be a bit disturbing and smiles about it? Truth does not equal Humour in most cases. The same level of respect I've given for the truth is the same level of respect I expect back, which means any selfishness that might reside, must then be placed aside and YOU MUST GET OVER IT! It's great to tell the truth, but all I'm saying is...Don't dish truth if you can't eat the residual affects of my actions. The truth is there to be told, help others grow by changing your perspective to eventually make you a better person. Too bad if the person did not stay the same for your benefit. :o)
**no quote today, my entry said enough!**
Here's a sample fo yo ass....Find the association to my blog.
**no quote today, my entry said enough!**
Track of the day...Prince Phillip Mitchell-Make It Good
Here's a sample fo yo ass....Find the association to my blog.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Snowed In and All snowed out!
Well...I'm not really snowed in, but I LOVE my life, and there is nothing worth ME getting in my car and tackling those streets. I am somewhat tired of the snow however. Not to mention, the individuals who feel the only view they need to see is the one out their windshield. Let me vent for a moment...How do you know someone's not gonna run into you-if you can't see out your back window? Don't you just hate those drivers who feel the roof of their car is not part of the routine in cleaning snow off your car? ARGH?!? PURE selfishnesss and laziness! It might not be snowing at that moment, but the snow on the roof of your car piled high is making it hard for the people behind you to see, ESPECIALLY when there's chunks of snow rushing toward MY windshield. I don't know about anyone else, but it's not so much the snow that I'm tired of, but moreso the drivers who want to be lazy with cleaning snow off their car, less than par driving skills and NO WINTER tires. I love the snowfalls, it's when the wind kicks in that makes me start thinking about booking a flight to Jamaica. Making snow angels and having snowball fights are always great. Plus! The snowfalls have really motivated me and my workout plan, I actually take the initiative to shovel, I mean waking up earlier than usual to shovel. There's nothing better than feeling your biceps and triceps hurt the next day, while you think to yourself...Oh yaaaaa, I'm getting cut...flex on, flex off...back fat disappear, cause I can feel my butterfly wings starting to form a nice back. I know I'm not the only one that gets carried away with that type of pain. LOL. Above all it does cramp my social life.
Imma list off my top 5 cons and top 5 pros of winter weather, minus the workout routine mentioned above. Find your niche within them.
5. Having a room over the garage, I now have to wear 3 layers WITH a duvet (men are scarce) conclusion I make a resolution to get a man for winter next year! LOL.
4. Gas seems to go so quickly in the ride!
3. It starts with a runny nose and one sick co-worker now your using sick days for sick days and not warm days.
2. You miss some of your favourite parties downtown.
5. One Word....Snow days! The one day you get to stay home from work cause CP24 said so.
4. You SAVE MONEY on junk food so you sharpen your cooking skills.
3. You SAVE MONEY on going out to the clubs and the expenses associated with it... drinks, parking etc.
2. You SAVE MONEY on gear, cause it's all about the hoodies, jogging pants and boots.
*hahaha, that wasn't a very diverse list of pros. Oh well, it's true though. Anyone contest?
I was very productive today though, Listened to music and looked into some oldies. I watched Balls of Fury, Girlalicious, wrote a blog ;o). Read an Intouch Weekly (Apparently Angelina and Brad are getting married and having twins. Paris is NOW dating Nicole's babyfather's TWIN brother....what a heffer!! AND how many times are they gonna comment on Jennifer Hudson's white Roberto Cavalli dress that made her look like a snowman, rolls and all....who cares?!? Work it gurl!). Today was a bit out of the ordinary StAR schedule, but I was only following my horoscope: eh em, "EVEN REPONSIBLE CAPRICORNS NEED TO LET LOOSE EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE..."
Peace and hair grease! 20 days till the Stacey-StAR makeover!!
Quote of the day: Love is a lonely road so only walk it when you know it's true. I thought I found a path in you, but I'm on an empty avenue. (Algebra Blessett-My Pride.)
Track(s) of the day (today was a musical day!): Just Because-Martha Redbone, Algebra-My Pride, Hang On In There Baby-Johnny Bristol.
**sorry I cheated and threw in the whole Johnny Bristol album. LOL.
Imma list off my top 5 cons and top 5 pros of winter weather, minus the workout routine mentioned above. Find your niche within them.
5. Having a room over the garage, I now have to wear 3 layers WITH a duvet (men are scarce) conclusion I make a resolution to get a man for winter next year! LOL.
4. Gas seems to go so quickly in the ride!
3. It starts with a runny nose and one sick co-worker now your using sick days for sick days and not warm days.
2. You miss some of your favourite parties downtown.
5. One Word....Snow days! The one day you get to stay home from work cause CP24 said so.
4. You SAVE MONEY on junk food so you sharpen your cooking skills.
3. You SAVE MONEY on going out to the clubs and the expenses associated with it... drinks, parking etc.
2. You SAVE MONEY on gear, cause it's all about the hoodies, jogging pants and boots.
*hahaha, that wasn't a very diverse list of pros. Oh well, it's true though. Anyone contest?
I was very productive today though, Listened to music and looked into some oldies. I watched Balls of Fury, Girlalicious, wrote a blog ;o). Read an Intouch Weekly (Apparently Angelina and Brad are getting married and having twins. Paris is NOW dating Nicole's babyfather's TWIN brother....what a heffer!! AND how many times are they gonna comment on Jennifer Hudson's white Roberto Cavalli dress that made her look like a snowman, rolls and all....who cares?!? Work it gurl!). Today was a bit out of the ordinary StAR schedule, but I was only following my horoscope: eh em, "EVEN REPONSIBLE CAPRICORNS NEED TO LET LOOSE EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE..."
Peace and hair grease! 20 days till the Stacey-StAR makeover!!
Quote of the day: Love is a lonely road so only walk it when you know it's true. I thought I found a path in you, but I'm on an empty avenue. (Algebra Blessett-My Pride.)
Track(s) of the day (today was a musical day!): Just Because-Martha Redbone, Algebra-My Pride, Hang On In There Baby-Johnny Bristol.
**sorry I cheated and threw in the whole Johnny Bristol album. LOL.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Hump day, Reflection day, Get my grind on day!
Happy belated hump day, and this week it LITERALLY felt like I was climbing over this HUGE MOUNTAIN. All my energy was drained in the morning from shoveling my whole driveway, going to work all tired to then have to leave unexpectedly AND also putting my shoes on the wrong feet (ooooh how embarrassing right? :oS…it was dark when I put them on…no seriously, I’m not lying). Today was definitely one of those days that made me think... “Can it be that it was alllll sooo simple then? Or...Has time rewritten every line? And if we had the chance to do it all again, tell me…would we?...could we?…MEMORIES…) damn those water-coloured memories of THE WAY WE WERE…-Gladys Knight and The Pips LOL. Sometimes it’s good to take 10 paces back to just see and re-configure our paths for the future. As I stood outside this morning and shoveled, my back and arms started to ache, shortened breath, my hands-I could feel the calluses forming, I started to realize that I was out of shape! Not only that but in the silence of the neighbourhood and the sun shining-I stood there with my chin on the shovel and dazed off into my own little world. I thought about how much of a task it is to have to sit at a desk for 8 hours+, doing something that I really don’t want to do. Nostalgia started to move in and remind me how things were back in the days. Do you remember as a child when the only worries you had were those of a competitor on the school playground? Thinking about work was scary and somewhat frightening. It was all about tetherball and being the UNDEFEATED champion (that I was) in a match of FOUR SQUARES during lunch hour. I didn’t mind at all when the teacher asked me to write on the board or read aloud. Back then that was what you LOVED to do. Damn it sucks to grow up. I guess the point that I’m trying to make is for me to stop complaining and try to emulate those days of passion and doing what made you happy. The only difference is, with change comes responsibility and as adults we incur more costs associated with living, which in turn cause us to do things THAT WE DON'T WANT TO DO. So at the end of the day, do what makes you happy and makes you MONEY. Today made me realize how much I need to follow my passions and work on doing what I LOVE. Long nights, lack of sleep, missing the home cooking sometimes because I’m always on the go, all serve for a greater purpose. They all contribute to my success that will be. AHHHHHHHHHHHH 2 more days of office life that seem like an eternity. I swear if it wasn’t for music, I don’t know how I would make it through the day. Peace!
Quote of the day: I never would have thought in my wildest dreams that it would have been this big, but it is. I want to be able to be respected, but at the same time go out on top and leave with dignity. –Eminem of his success. (from and article I read yesterday in an old scratch mag.)
Track of the day: Extreme-More than words (1990)
Quote of the day: I never would have thought in my wildest dreams that it would have been this big, but it is. I want to be able to be respected, but at the same time go out on top and leave with dignity. –Eminem of his success. (from and article I read yesterday in an old scratch mag.)
Track of the day: Extreme-More than words (1990)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Distractions, Distractions, all because of you MUSIC!
woooow...wait...woooow. I said I would try to blog on a regular, but who told me to start a blog when I had assignments and tests due?? Not only that, but when your brain gets overworked-thinking of several business projects and deciding...out of all the crazy mishaps in a day...what to write about...It gets hectic! It's not that I have nothing to write about, it's just too much to touch base on! Anyway, I guess I'll start nice and fresh for March. March for me signifies, new beginning, spring cleaning, school work becoming excessive, taxes (yay!), AND extra good music starts getting released. Here we go! I'm sitting here trying to do my homework and study a bit (note to self: NEVER TRY AND START HOMEWORK DURING THE REAL FREQUENCY! Peep the Real Freq's blog... but no, of course I get sidetracked by The Real Frequency show on Flow...wait...sorry...the "new" Flow 93.5! If you don't know...this is my Monday night routine-I try to accomplish everything before 11pm so I can take in some real hip-hop. I lock off all personal calls by 10:50pm, I get my phone charged up for my daily text affair, where I discuss what's hot, what's not, criticize and crack jokes about the show with my homegurl Tiff (CO-CO-COOOLLLD STEEEEEEL!). By 1:00am my brain is all revved up on music. So much for strategic management and marketing plans getting done. I have to give a shout out to Inzane, Arcee and PPlus for always holding it down Monday nights.
If you tuned into the show then great if not, please read on. First off, The New North is a segment on the real freq's show, where they showcase up and coming artist of the North...Drake was the special guest tonight...all I can say is...the boy (man) is talented. A few exclusives, premieres, a 2 second clip of Drakes R&B attempt "Brand New" definitely sounding nice-google dat shit. Word of the day brought to you by Drake...the word is Tralse. When asked if he has ever ghost written for Dr. Dre, Drake's answer was "Tralse." Definition: A statement considered to be one half of which is accurate and true, but also containing some inconsistencies and untrue other words...well, I don't really wanna bait myself by admitting to it wholeheartedly so if i say "tralse" it's ambiguous in nature a.k.a TRUE! Secondly...Ante up with tha Mash-Out Posse, M.O.P will be in town this Friday at Opera House, they stopped by, well tapped in thru a phone interview. Get grimey with tha head-banging at the concert, if ya'll can make it.
Ego-Trippin' scheduled to be realeased March 11th, is sounding real dope, tracks to look out for on that album include: Life of da party, Neva have to worry (brap! My track), Waste of time, Can't say goodbye. These are of course in my opinion. You listen to it and you let me know! Once again, homework is now put off untill 2:30am in the morning because of the Real Freq's, and me deciding to blog. I think I'm really starting to develop a sleeping disorder.
On an R&B note, you all need to get your hands on Algebra Blessett's album "Purpose."
Some real solid vocals & lyrics. I'm lovin' this album right now, it's really helping with some therapy in the man department at the moment LOL. As usual I get real random with my music, depending on what is the first song that hits me on itunes in the AM. I must say, I would write a review on these albums, but I'm feelin' kinda lazy and also, if Stacey-StAR mentions it then-damn! It oughta be dope, so I don't have to go in detail! Peace out peeps. Love Life, Love Music.
Quote of the day: " Success is a great challenge. Enwrapped with fears to the pessimistic, but to the optimistic-success is change for the better. Only the positive and the resolute make it to the end."-Bassey Ndon
Track of the day...My Pride-Algebra (Album: Purpose)
P.S. The countdown started today for the Spring makeover, if you all wanna get in on the bet whether or not I can rest sneeks and wear more heels...holler. I think I might be in way over my head on this one...I think I've already lost! Spring means more sneeks, more nice coloured Air Maxs and other dope shit. Fuck! I'll just pay out now....nah up is way harder than trying. ;oP I don't think you all are ready for the new look premiering March 28th after my road trips! Oh Ya!
If you tuned into the show then great if not, please read on. First off, The New North is a segment on the real freq's show, where they showcase up and coming artist of the North...Drake was the special guest tonight...all I can say is...the boy (man) is talented. A few exclusives, premieres, a 2 second clip of Drakes R&B attempt "Brand New" definitely sounding nice-google dat shit. Word of the day brought to you by Drake...the word is Tralse. When asked if he has ever ghost written for Dr. Dre, Drake's answer was "Tralse." Definition: A statement considered to be one half of which is accurate and true, but also containing some inconsistencies and untrue other words...well, I don't really wanna bait myself by admitting to it wholeheartedly so if i say "tralse" it's ambiguous in nature a.k.a TRUE! Secondly...Ante up with tha Mash-Out Posse, M.O.P will be in town this Friday at Opera House, they stopped by, well tapped in thru a phone interview. Get grimey with tha head-banging at the concert, if ya'll can make it.

Ego-Trippin' scheduled to be realeased March 11th, is sounding real dope, tracks to look out for on that album include: Life of da party, Neva have to worry (brap! My track), Waste of time, Can't say goodbye. These are of course in my opinion. You listen to it and you let me know! Once again, homework is now put off untill 2:30am in the morning because of the Real Freq's, and me deciding to blog. I think I'm really starting to develop a sleeping disorder.
On an R&B note, you all need to get your hands on Algebra Blessett's album "Purpose."

Some real solid vocals & lyrics. I'm lovin' this album right now, it's really helping with some therapy in the man department at the moment LOL. As usual I get real random with my music, depending on what is the first song that hits me on itunes in the AM. I must say, I would write a review on these albums, but I'm feelin' kinda lazy and also, if Stacey-StAR mentions it then-damn! It oughta be dope, so I don't have to go in detail! Peace out peeps. Love Life, Love Music.
Quote of the day: " Success is a great challenge. Enwrapped with fears to the pessimistic, but to the optimistic-success is change for the better. Only the positive and the resolute make it to the end."-Bassey Ndon
Track of the day...My Pride-Algebra (Album: Purpose)
P.S. The countdown started today for the Spring makeover, if you all wanna get in on the bet whether or not I can rest sneeks and wear more heels...holler. I think I might be in way over my head on this one...I think I've already lost! Spring means more sneeks, more nice coloured Air Maxs and other dope shit. Fuck! I'll just pay out now....nah up is way harder than trying. ;oP I don't think you all are ready for the new look premiering March 28th after my road trips! Oh Ya!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
It's the Beg-1-nning....
Here we's official...I have arrived in the blog world. After many complaints of me no longer writing, posting, talking, I've FINALLY decided to create one. That's thanks to a few things-a calendar (home and work), pda phone, lap top, which have all tremendously enhanced my time management capabilities. I will try to be consistent and post on a regular basis, however life tends to throw you lemons sometimes-that have you making lemonade for days, in other words: things get a bit discombobulated at times, causing you to spend time trying to do damage control! Writing is therapeutic for me, so I expect to be writing a lot. 2 months into 2008 and I'm already anticipating a good year to work on completing a few things on my life list. Sorry, sidenote...I just want to share my disappointment and sadness first. So, all $55.00 and $75.00 for the Real Thing tour featuring Jill Scott and Raheem Devaughn in Detroit are sold out, damn! Leaving me to deliberate and contemplate over $35.00 nose bleed seats at the way, way, way back of the theatre. *sigh*. Something short tonight and bringing up the concert just spoiled my writing appetite. Anyway here's my list...
10 Things I would like to do before I leave this earth.
1. Start a Blog (check)
2. Go to Dubai
3. Tour Europe
4. Buy a Condo downtown
5. Keep the condo and cop a house with an all white BMW X6 in the drive way
6. Tell that ONE dude that I want, need him, can't live without him
7. Eat meat again (maybe....not, unless my doctor prescribes it.)
8. Write a book
9. Visit Africa
10. Be recognized as a person of change
**Quote of the day: Love is blind...I know this because you cannot see me!**
The Listening...Rahsaan Patterson-Wines & Spirits...with a side of 24 Carat Black
10 Things I would like to do before I leave this earth.
1. Start a Blog (check)
2. Go to Dubai
3. Tour Europe
4. Buy a Condo downtown
5. Keep the condo and cop a house with an all white BMW X6 in the drive way
6. Tell that ONE dude that I want, need him, can't live without him
7. Eat meat again (maybe....not, unless my doctor prescribes it.)
8. Write a book
9. Visit Africa
10. Be recognized as a person of change
**Quote of the day: Love is blind...I know this because you cannot see me!**
The Listening...Rahsaan Patterson-Wines & Spirits...with a side of 24 Carat Black
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